Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The Brazilian Amazon is a valuable commodity in many aspects. However, the most valuable facet of its existance is the role it plays in monetary gain. Self-interest, in all levels of society, is destroying Brazil. Its economy is unstable at best, as the government has placed loads of stock in the cattle and farming industries, two of the largest exports the country offers. The government pushes the citizenry to clear the Amazon, the government gets the land when it's all done, and the cattle companies benefit. On top of all this, the soil becomes infertile, the climate itself is in danger of shifting, and Brazil is releasing a comparatively massive amount of greenhouse emissions in comparison to other countries. There are a myriad of problems occurring in addition to deforestation. The overall issue is complicated and anh immensely difficult problem to remedy in anyway.
There are a few solutions that could be implemented, but outside help is essentially required and needed for both. One requires a worldwide ban by pivotal beef companies. They purchase products raised and farmed in Brazil, regardless of if they were grown illegally or in an incorect manner. By doing so, the government will run out of money to continue to fuel the continued deforestation. The other solution should be financial aid to Brazil. It would require the government to provide subsidies to companies and regular citizens to NOT log any further into the Amazon. As of right now, the government provides tax cuts and financial aid to people who deforest their properties. By paying them not to, the government essentiallybuys itself a window of opportunity. During this period, not much will be cut down, giving time to strengthen forest protection and increase measures to prevent any further deforestation.