Wednesday, September 16, 2009

An American Pastime.

To a certain degree, it is probably correct to say that the United States is involved in one way or another with the vast majority of countries in the world.
By means of war, trade, support, or rebuilding, among other reasons.
There is no doubt that the United States has an enormous influence on world economy and politics. However, there is no excuse for intervening in a country where we are not welcome.

For no reasons should we ever become involved in a country that does truly not want us there to begin with.
The only purpose for which the United States, or any powerful country for that matter, should intervene in the business of another country is if assisstance is asked for, first.
However, this can be taken case by case, as well.
If a terrible wrong is being committed in a country, so drastic of something as a genocide, or oppression of the people, a decision will need to be made on whether or not to involve ourselves in the agenda of any other country.
It will always be subjective to many different opinions, and the variables surrounding the situation at hand.
Whether or not the United States should choose to intervene politically, in a militaristic manner, or otherwise, is a choice that must be made quickly, and logically.
We are powerful. But not enough so to justify throwing our weight around.


  1. I think your opinion is very well presented and you did a great job considering a variety of scenarios of when the U.S. should intervene.

  2. I agree. Well written and well informed. It is hard to make a blanket decision about a topic such as this, so it is good to take into consideration different circumstances and situations.

  3. My blog was very similar, I agree. Your opinions are backed up well, without seeming TOO radical.

  4. Second Paragraph, you can change reasons to reason. Well written opinion. Gives insight into your opinion.

  5. You voiced your opinion very well, and I agree that the U.S and other large countries shouldn't just throw their weight around.

  6. Really well writen and really shows the reader your opinion. Maybe include some examples. Other than that really good!
