Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Save the Princess!

Having recently been made aware of the plight of his Child Princess, our orange-turbaned hero and his ever faithful flying mount, Barder, took to the skies.
In an attempt to rescue said damsel in distress, OT (Orange Turban) switched gears into Turbo, and toggled to nitrous. This pushed Barder's stamina and endurance to his limits.
As a myriad of snowflake shaped paper cutouts exploded out of his rear end, the G-force began getting significant. They had finally broken the sound barrier when the duo began to lose altitude. Barder telepathically communicated to OT that he was getting tired, and needed to eat something to regain his lost energy. So OT kicked it down a notch, something he was often very reluctant to do, in any situation.
Barder landed with a thud on an asphalt road, where a few tandem snowflake cutouts were still erupting from his hindquarters. It was precisely at this moment that a mysterious individual snapped a picture of the duo.
Yeah, I don't really know where I was going with this story.

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