Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Edge of a Rim?

It was late in the evening, and Nate Seven was returning home after the most important transaction of his life.

A vested man of 6'2'', he walked through the turnstile.
His eyes were deeply etched with sleepless nights, yet for a man deprived of such a necessity, he seemed to be somewhat alert still, if not somewhat distant.

In his hands, he carried a pair of rims, which had been recently acquired through uncertain circumstances. However, these were rims of a special sort, a special stock. At the very least to those involved in the business of rim collecting.

These special, vital rims would help Nate, this lonely man, earn the love of his father. His father, Rodney, being a self-proclaimed rim collector and connoisseur, had always been totally dedicated to his hobby since the death of his wife and Nate's mother a year after his birth.

One could say though, that Nate's father had a nearly over-zealous passion and love for his hobby. It was precisely for this reason that Nate never truly earned his father's love or respect, because it was hard to compete with bicycle rims. Especially chrome bike rims.

Excited thoughts raced through Nate's mind as he passed through the train station and through the turnstile, for tomorrow he would give his father the hard-earned, one-of-a-kind rims, and perhaps, buy himself just a small place in his heart.


1 comment:

  1. You're silly Ed! I liked the story and even though there was no picture I could visualize exacly who you were talking about. The only change I would make would be to add the photo (for those who don't know what the assignment was).
    Good job!
    :) Emma
